Our Beliefs

We believe in God as Father (Creator and Ruler of all that exists), Son (Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world) and Holy Spirit (who leads and guides us into all truth).

(John 10:30; John 14:7-11; John 16:7-13; 2 Corinthians 3:17).

We Hold Fast The Following:

God’s Word is our supreme source of truth. The Bible is the authoritative, inerrant, infallible and inspired Word of God—a gift to humanity for holy and righteous living. It contains all we need for faith, salvation, and how we should deal with the issues of life.

(II Timothy 3:16; I Thessalonians 2:13)

Jesus Christ (God’s Word made flesh) is the center of our lives, the lover of our souls, the head of the Church. All have sinned and come short of God’s expectations for humanity and are in need of a Savior. Jesus Christ is our Savior. Thus, through faith in Jesus Christ we are new creations, transformed by the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

(Matthew 1:22-25; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 1:22-23)

Holy Spirit is the very breath of God, who gifts all believers in Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit anoints us and fills us with the power to do the will of God and to obey God’s commandments. Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment. Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth and therefore, into a faithful relationship with God who breathes new life into all believers. (Genesis 2:7; John 16:8-11)

Salvation (eternal life) is God’s gift to humanity. God’s love is unconditional. Jesus Christ executed on the “stauros” (stake) and was raised from the dead so that through faith in Him alone, we are forgiven of our sins and become children of God.

(John 3:16-17, 14:6; Romans 10:9-13)

Building Relationship through fellowship ministries and group activities is key to maintaining our faith community. You are important to God. You are important to us. We embrace all people (races, ethnicities, rich, middle income, poor, youth, adults, male, female) as we seek to bring others to know and love Christ. All will be treated with love and respect. We celebrate the spiritual gifts, skills and talents each one brings to benefit the church and to help others. (Matthew 22:34-40; Philippians 2:3)

Prayer is essential to all we do. We believe in the power of prayer. Our ministries are bathed in prayer. Prayer is our way of talking and listening to God. Through prayer we receive God’s direction and we make our requests for truth, forgiveness, blessings, concerns and desires known to God. God invites us to pray always..

(Philippians 4:6-7; I Thessalonians 5:17; I Timothy 2:1-6)

Worship of God is paramount to a relationship with God. Worship at Showers of Blessing is Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, vibrant, energetic, contemplative and uplifting. Worship is an exciting life-changing encounter with God.

(John 4:23-24; Hebrews 10:25; Revelation 19:1-5)

Tithing is a reflection of a right relationship with God. It is God’s minimum expectation. The tithe is holy and it belongs to God. The ministries of Showers of Blessing are made possible through our tithes and offerings to God. Give cheerfully for God loves a cheerful giver. (Malachi 3:8-11; Luke 6:38, 11:42; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7)

Disciples of Jesus Christ are life-long learners. Thus participation in Sunday School, Bible study, worship, workshops and seminars for spiritual growth and maturity is important. Transformative mind renewal through study and worship prepares us to face life challenges. (II Timothy 3:16, 2:15; Matthew 28:19-20)

Christian Service in our church, our communities and the world is the natural outgrowth of our faith in and love for Jesus Christ. To love Jesus is to minister to others. To love Jesus is to share the Gospel with the world. We believe that faith without works is dead. We seek to embody Christ making a positive impact in our communities meeting the needs of our neighbors as we are led by the Holy Spirit. As the Body of Christ, we are Christ’s presence in the world. (Matthew 25:34-40; James 2:14-26)